- 2019-04-28
- 来源: 北京环球英才交流促进会
- 【字体: 大 中 小】
He graduated from Polytechnic of Milan with top score, and he is an architect and Doctor in technology of architecture.
Since 2004 he has been full professor, Deputy Director of the Office of International Exchange in the School of Architecture of Tianjin University ,Director of Lab of Bionic Architecture & Planning Research Center. He has also been tutor of masters and doctors. He was visiting professor in Polytechnic of Milan, Department of Architecture and Roma "La Sapienza" University, Department of Architecture.
He is advisory consultant of China-Arab International Joint Laboratory on Featured Resources and Environmental Governance in Arid Regions in Yinchuan University, China. He is Foreign Expert in China in the field of Eco-Village. He is also the member of the prestigious Aspen Institute.
He is a professional writer, Photographer, and advocate of free software, GNU and Linux.
His study, research and expertise concern design of architecture, bionic approach in the architecture planning, urban planning, restoration of traditional building and villages, history of modern architecture, metaphysics of ancient architecture, sustainable architecture, eco-villages, Data-Driven Analysis and Data-Driven Design. He won two Chinese National Foundation in this field and other scholarship to finance research in the area of Sustainable District.
He has published seven monographs, one novel, fifteen books in cooperation, more than six-hundred papers.
In 2010 he won the“Haihe Friendship Award” in Tianjin.
He actively advocate academic exchange and cooperation. He is actively involved in international conferences as keynote speaker. He joins many national and international conferences as Keynote speaker. He organized several workshops in China and other countries concerning the investigation of tangible and intangible heritage. He created several agreements for cooperation between the School of Architecture in Tianjin University and other faculties around the world.